Posted January 03, 2018
Zabbix 有非常丰富的 API ,但没有 widget 的 API。 所以获取 widget 的数据需要通过模拟登录爬取网页的形式来做。虽然我们可以用一定的 API 数据和相应的逻辑计算出此 TABLE 的数据, 但工作量非常大。 #zabbix widget
我用了两个模块来做, 一个逻辑控制 一个解析模块.
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import sys import json import requests from parse import HTMLTableParser reload(sys) sys.setdefaultencoding("utf-8") HOST = "http://{{ HOST }}:8080/" def parse(html): p = HTMLTableParser() p.feed(html) table = p.tables[0] c = [ {'prop': str(x), 'label': y} \ for x,y in zip(range(len(table[0])), table[0]) ] return { "columns": c }, table[1:] def login_session(): s = requests.Session() payload = { "name": "{{ USER }}", "password": "{{ PASSWORD }}", "autologin": "1", "enter": "Sign in" } s = requests.Session() resp = + 'index.php', payload) return s def action(action_name): session = login_session() # 可以通过浏览器的开发者模式获取这里的参数, 一般需要更改 sid. params = { "action": action_name, "sid": "8c09585cdef21c27", {{ SID }} "upd_counter": 0, "pmasterid": "dashboard" } payload = {"widgetRefresh": "syssum", '_': ""} resp = HOST + 'zabbix.php', params=params, data=payload) data = json.loads(resp.text) return data def usage(): raise Exception( """Arg error, Missing key Key choice in: \twidget.status.view \twidget.hosts.view \twidget.system.view \twidget.web.view \twidget.issues.view""" ) if __name__ == '__main__': if len(sys.argv) != 2: usage() data = action(sys.argv[1]) config, data = parse(data["body"]) sys.stdout.write(json.dumps(config, indent=2)+'\n') sys.stdout.write(json.dumps(data, indent=2)+'\n')
from HTMLParser import HTMLParser class HTMLTableParser(HTMLParser): """ This class serves as a html table parser. It is able to parse multiple tables which you feed in. You can access the result per .tables field. """ def __init__( self, decode_html_entities=False, data_separator=' ', ): HTMLParser.__init__(self) self._parse_html_entities = decode_html_entities self._data_separator = data_separator self._in_td = False self._in_th = False self._in_span = 0 self._current_table = [] self._current_row = [] self._current_cell = [] self.tables = [] def handle_starttag(self, tag, attrs): """ We need to remember the opening point for the content of interest. The other tags (<table>, <tr>) are only handled at the closing point. """ if tag == 'span': self._in_span = self._in_span + 1 if tag == 'td': self._in_td = True if tag == 'th': self._in_th = True def handle_data(self, data): """ This is where we save content to a cell """ if self._in_td or self._in_th: if self._in_span in (0, 1): self._current_cell.append(data.strip()) else: return def handle_charref(self, name): """ Handle HTML encoded characters """ if self._parse_html_entities: self.handle_data(self.unescape('&#{};'.format(name))) def handle_endtag(self, tag): """ Here we exit the tags. If the closing tag is </tr>, we know that we can save our currently parsed cells to the current table as a row and prepare for a new row. If the closing tag is </table>, we save the current table and prepare for a new one. """ if tag == 'td': self._in_td = False elif tag == 'th': self._in_th = False elif tag == 'span': self._in_span = self._in_span - 1 if self._in_span < 2: if tag in ['td', 'th']: final_cell = self._data_separator.join(self._current_cell).strip() self._current_row.append(final_cell) self._current_cell = [] elif tag == 'tr': self._current_table.append(self._current_row) self._current_row = [] elif tag == 'table': self.tables.append(self._current_table) self._current_table = []